Why should we go with Kotlin app development?

Nextbrain Technologies
3 min readApr 8, 2022

There are many reasons to choose Kotlin for app development. This programming language is 100% interoperable with Java and is supported by an Eclipse plugin. This article discusses three of the reasons to use Kotlin for Android app development. It reduces the lines of code, removes checked exceptions, and is supported by a Java plugin. If you are considering learning Kotlin to create your own Android app, you should read this article.

Reduces the number of lines of code

The use of Kotlin as an app development language is recommended by Google because it reduces the lines of code and improves the overall quality of code. Developers can solve more problems with fewer lines of code using Kotlin than with Java programs. The shorter code allows for easier reading and modification. Kotlin products use fewer lines of code than Java programs, reducing development time and project costs. Additionally, less code means fewer bugs and crashes.

Java and Kotlin data classes are one-to-one translations of one another. A simple example of the Greeting Data Class is shown in the documentation. This class has two properties: type and name. A Kotlin development company can easily define these properties. A developer can also make use of a data class’ extensions to add specific methods to different classes. For example, Kotlin activities can add methods, such as HideKeyboard() or DisplayKeyboard(). The use of extensions makes Kotlin more readable and reduces the lines of code.

Is 100% interoperable with Java

Unlike other programming languages, Kotlin is 100% interoperable with Java. Because it has been designed to work with existing codebases, Kotlin can be used to call Java code. Kotlin IDEs also include an automatic Java-to-Kotlin translator. This makes it easy to write Java code that can be called from Kotlin code.

The language is based on the concept of classes that define data and functions. These classes are called data and are marked as such. The language is 100% compatible with Java, and the two can coexist in the same project. The code will compile side-by-side. Developing Java apps can be a hassle, but Kotlin app development is 100% Java-compatible. In the case of a cross-platform development effort, Kotlin may be a better choice.

Removes checked exceptions

Java has checked exceptions that force the caller to catch the error. The result is often an empty catch block or a non-existent exception, which causes developer frustration. Kotlin removes checked exceptions to minimize verbosity and improve type safety. Here are a few examples of how you can use this feature in your application:

Kotlin removes unused Java features, including checkable exceptions, which are superfluous. Additionally, Kotlin app development is easier to learn than Java. For Android app development, you can use Kotlin instead of Java. Alternatively, you can use C++ instead, using the Android Native Development Kit (ANDK).

Is supported by Eclipse plugin

Eclipse’s Kotlin IDE has been configured to be Kotlin-friendly and comes with both the Kotlin Runtime Library and the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Once installed, the IDE enables developers to add the code of a Java application in the Kotlin language to the same project. The user can add the Kotlin code by creating a new file in the source directory. Eclipse will automatically add these files. The main function of a Kotlin application is its entry point. To add code completion, press Ctrl+Space or right-click the main file and choose Run As a Kotlin application.

Kotlin is more secure than Java and supports fewer standard programming errors by design. It helps developers write robust code and protect applications from system failures and crashes. Kotlin also reduces boilerplate code, or code that is the same everywhere without any alterations. Kotlin developers can reduce boilerplate code by up to 20% and reduce file size. This increases development speed. Integrated development tools make it easier to develop mobile apps and web applications using Kotlin.



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